The Phi Alpha Theta/World History Association Paper Prize is a $ scholarship given to the writer of an outstanding research papers on a topic related to the study of world history. Students who receive this scholarship may be eligible to have their papers published in the World History Association or Phi Alpha Theta academic journals The The Lucinda Beneventi Findley History Scholarship is awarded to two graduating high school seniors that have demonstrated advance interest in history and are planning to major in or pursue the study of history in a full-time accredited college or university in the United States. The applicant must have a GPA of Essay Prizes in History. Each year, the Department of History offers several monetary prizes for the best undergraduate essay in a number of categories. The competition is open to all undergraduates students at Indiana University Bloomington, not just History majors and minors. To qualify a student has to be currently enrolled at IUB
A Substantial List of College History Student Scholarships
Since a degree in history provides students with the understanding of events which are of key importance to historians and can be applied to many other fields of study, many organizations award scholarships for history majors to further their academic achievements.
With the assistance of scholarship funding to reduce the financial burden of rising tuition costs, history essay scholarships, you can earn a history degree in preparation for finding career fulfillment as a historian, teacher, writer, history essay scholarships, lawyer, politician, archeologist, researcher, and more. The following are just a few of the most generous scholarships that are perfect for those majoring in history just like you. Eligible students of color must be majoring in Labor Studies, American Studies, history essay scholarships, Sociology, History, Anthropology, Political ScienceSocial Work, or Public Policy, have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.
Sponsored by the Abraham Lincoln Brigade Archives ALBAthe George Watt Memorial Essay Contest is open to graduate and undergraduate U. students who submit a 3, to history essay scholarships essay about any aspect of the Spanish Civil War, the global political or cultural struggles against fascism in the s and s, or the contributions of the Americans who fought in support of the Spanish Republic. Work will be judged on the basis of originality, effectiveness of argument, and quality of research.
ALBA George Watt Memorial Essay Contest Broadway Suite New York, NY info alba-valb. In order to be eligible for the funding, history essay scholarships, candidates must submit an online application, history essay scholarships, current CV description of proposed project, a one-page bibliography of relevant literature, and at least two letters of recommendation.
American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies Fellowship P. Box Winston-Salem, NC asecs wfu, history essay scholarships. Administered by the Western History Association, the Bolton-Cutter Prize is awarded annually for the best article submitted on any phase of the history of the Borderlands, from the Floridas to the Californias, history essay scholarships, from the 16th century to the present.
Bolton-Cutter Prize Gruening Street Fairbanks, AK westernhistoryassociation gmail. Established by the United Negro College Fund UNCFthe Catherine W. institutions who are majoring in the areas of American Studies, history essay scholarships, Art, Social Sciences, History, International Studies, history essay scholarships, or Anthropology. Eligible undergraduate freshmen, sophomores, history essay scholarships, juniors, and seniors must be enrolled full-time at an accredited four-year college, have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.
Catherine W. Pierce Scholarship 7th Street NW Washington, DC Imara. canady uncf. Qualified researchers who are Alaska residents must submit an application, proposal description, project timeline, detailed budget, and three letters of support. CIRI Foundation Heritage History essay scholarships Grants San Jeronimo Drive Suite Anchorage, AK tcf thecirifoundation.
Annually, the Pine Bluff Area Community Foundation grants the Dorothy Ezell DuPree Scholarship to Jefferson County graduating high school seniors who have been accepted to attend a four-year accredited institution in the United States with a major in English, Library Science, or History.
Dorothy Ezell DuPree Scholarship West Third Avenue Suite Pine Bluff, AR pinebluffarea arcf. Created by the Daughters of the American Revolution DARthe Dr. Aura-Lee A. and James Jobbs Pittenger American History Scholarship is offered to graduating high school seniors who will pursue an undergraduate degree with a concentrated study of at least 24 credit hours in American History or American Government.
and James Jobbs Pittenger American History Scholarship Madison Avenue Memphis, TN scholarships dar. Administered by the Greater Worchester Community Foundation GWCFthe Finnish American Social Club Scholarship is designed to provide financial support to Worcester County graduating high school seniors of Finnish heritage who will be pursuing an accredited undergraduate degree in History, Political Science, or Economics in Massachusetts.
Finnish American Social Club Scholarship Main Street Suite Worcester, MA info greaterworcester. The Phi Alpha Theta National History Honor Society offers the History essay scholarships A. Tunstall Undergraduate Student Scholarship to outstanding student members entering the fall semester of their senior year who are majoring in Modern European History from to present.
Graydon A. Tunstall Undergraduate Student Scholarship East Fowler Avenue Tampa, FL info phialphatheta. Qualified candidates must be U, history essay scholarships. James Madison Foundation Graduate Fellowship Program Duke Street Alexandria, VA glavinj georgetown. Each year, the Daughters of the American History essay scholarships National Society award the J.
Caldwell Centennial Scholarship to exemplary students who are currently pursuing a course of graduate study in the field of historic preservation at any accredited history essay scholarships within the United States. Caldwell Centennial Scholarship History essay scholarships Avenue Memphis, TN scholarships history essay scholarships. accredited history essay scholarships who compose an original essay on history essay scholarships aspect of aviation during the World War I years.
Papers must be at least ten and no more than 20 double-spaced pages with a comprehensive list of primary source references, history essay scholarships. League of World War I Aviation Historians Mike Carr Student Paper Competition Pine Street Yankton, SD OTF-papers overthefront.
Eligible applicants must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2. Marion Maccarell Scott Scholarship Fort Street Mall Honolulu, HI scholarships hcf-hawaii. Female applicants must submit an essay contest verification form, two copies of the to word essay on public policies for women, and a letter from a sponsoring female state legislator.
National Foundation for Women Legislators Bill of Rights Essay Scholarship Contest 17th Street NW Suite Washington, DC alex womenlegislators. Qualified applicants must be legal residents of Georgia and be accepted for full-time enrollment at an accredited Georgia institution. National Society of the Colonial Dames of America in the State of Georgia Scholarships Peachtree Street NW Atlanta, GA kryan georgiatrust, history essay scholarships.
Annually, the Archeological Institute of America offers the Olivia James Traveling Fellowship Program to graduate students who history essay scholarships enrolled in an approved Archeology, Architecture, Classics, History, or Sculpture program and are interested in studying in Greece, the Aegean Islands, Sicily, Southern Italy, history essay scholarships, Asia Minor, or Mesopotamia.
citizens who are AIA members and are currently engaged in dissertation research to receive their Ph. degree in one of these majors. Olivia James Traveling Fellowship Program Beacon Street 6th Floor Boston, MA fellowships aia.
All eligible candidates must submit a one-page personal statement outlining his or her related experience and interests in history. Preference will be given to students interested in the Civil War or military history and to those who demonstrate financial need.
Pete McCormick Memorial History Scholarship South National Avenue Springfield, MO History MissouriState. Qualified candidates history essay scholarships be planning to continue their studies in the fields of Political Science, American History, Civics, Government, or Communications with evidence of leadership potential.
Preference for the one-time award will be given to applicants with a minimum cumulative GPA of 3. Richard Gilder Scholarship Tisch Hall Room South State Street Ann Arbor, MI umhistory umich.
Navy or U. Marine Corps who is pursuing graduate study in History, International Relations, or a related field, history essay scholarships. Selection for the award is based on relevance of study to U. naval history, demonstrated professional performance, high academic qualifications, and leadership potential.
Samuel Eliot Morison Naval History Scholarship Kidder Breese Street Washington Navy Yard, history essay scholarships, DC hrnavalmuseum navy. Warner History essay scholarships is awarded annually to full-time undergraduate students currently enrolled at the university with junior-level standing and a major in History, American Studies, or Social Sciences. Qualified candidates of the scholarship must demonstrate significant academic achievement, a breadth of intellectual interest related to historical events, and considerable service to the campus community.
Truman A. Warner Scholarship White Street Danbury, CT alexanderm wcsu. graduate students who are interested in conducting work related to the Western Civilization Studies. Eligible candidates are required to submit an original ten-page essay, one-page outline of prior education, three-page autobiography, three letters of recommendation, and official transcripts of all undergraduate and graduate work.
Western Civilization Fellowship Program Centerville Rd. Wilmington, DE awards isi. Annually, the W. Albright Institute of Archeological Research awards up to 32 fellowships for graduate students and doctoral scholars in Near Eastern studies from prehistory through the early Islamic period, including the fields of archaeology, anthropology, art history, Bible, epigraphy, historical geography, history, language, philosophy, or religion.
Albright Institute of Archaeological Research Fellowships 1 Cunningham Square Providence, RI jbranham providence. Within the College of Arts and Sciences at Indiana University-Purdue University Fort Wayne IPFWthe Withers Scholars Scholarship is granted to junior and senior-level students who are currently enrolled full-time with an academic major in Education, History, Political Science, English, Communications, or Theater.
Eligible candidates must be U. citizens, be enrolled in at least 12 semester credits, have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3. Withers Scholars Scholarship East Coliseum Blvd. Fort Wayne, IN EricksoC ipfw.
For those who have an inquisitive sense of curiosity, consistent thirst for discovering knowledge, and intuitive nature for investigating the ideas of the past, you may have the ideal inner workings for being a history major.
When you enroll in a history degree program, you will engage in a set of unique educational experiences to examine history for finding clues for addressing the future. In order to fulfill your passion in history without accumulating mountains of student loan debt, be sure to check out these 25 great scholarships for history majors for increased funding options.
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How to Get College Scholarships - Tips, Tricks, and My Experience!
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Regions Black History Scholarship Essay Contest | Regions. Complete an online application. Enter the Regions Riding Forward Scholarship Essay Contest from Apr 16, through Apr 16, Complete and save The Phi Alpha Theta/World History Association Paper Prize is a $ scholarship given to the writer of an outstanding research papers on a topic related to the study of world history. Students who receive this scholarship may be eligible to have their papers published in the World History Association or Phi Alpha Theta academic journals Essay Prizes in History. Each year, the Department of History offers several monetary prizes for the best undergraduate essay in a number of categories. The competition is open to all undergraduates students at Indiana University Bloomington, not just History majors and minors. To qualify a student has to be currently enrolled at IUB
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